Even though Europe’s population is growing more slowly than that of other continents, in the last twenty five years the European urban/rural divide has become evermore difficult to define as many urban dwellers choose to live beyond the city suburbs, … Continue reading Europe’s New Edgelands
I am Italian by choice; after the Brexit referendum in 2016, I had no alternative but to ask for Italian citizenship. I am of Welsh origin and have lived near Bologna for many years. I am a documentary photographer and … Continue reading FESTE
The land
of the living past
Transmitted orally for generations, the laws of the “Kanun” – or code – of Leke Dukagjini served for more than five centuries as the foundation of social behaviour and self government for the clans of Northern Albania, even while the … Continue reading The land
of the living past
Minorities in China
Between 1995 and 2007, I did extensive work throughout the P. R. of China. Coming from what I describe as “a cultural minority” myself, I guess it is only natural that I have shown particular interest in what the Chinese … Continue reading Minorities in China
China Internal Migration
Over the last twenty five years the People’s Republic of China has seen incredibly rapid economic growth, the fastest in the world. The social and human consequences of this economic boom, however, have been huge. During the last quarter of … Continue reading China Internal Migration